Paul Edmondson baut KTM Replica von 1990 für
seinen 6Days Einsatz in Sachsen!
Wir haben soeben ein paar Neuigkeiten aus Großbritannien erhalten.
Paul Edmondson der 4-fache Enduro Weltmeister und 18-fache ISDE
Goldmedaillen Gewinner wird auf einer aktuellen 125er KTM im
Design von 1989/1990 bei den 6Days in Deutschland starten.
Paul „Fast Eddy“ wird in Sachsen sein letztes internationales Rennen
Hier das originale Interview (in englisch) von Tim Tighe:
A sunny afternoon at Eddy’s place was perfect for pics and a quick chat
with possibly the most experienced pairing in the Enduro world.
TT: Paul, where did the idea come from?
PE: The idea was pretty much one of those bright ideas that I seem to come
across and I was thinking about this being my last ISDE and about what I
could do to make it, first of all special and second of all, actually make it
something I can look back and say that was unique and could probably
never be replicated by any other rider or machine in the ISDE in past and
present years.
TT: So the two bikes, you have a brand new 2012 125 KTM, graphic’d up,
a lot of work on it, to look similar to a 1990 125 KTM.
PE: 1989 and 1990, basically the bike was the same for the two seasons;
it’s just ironic that in 1989 and 1990 I won the ISDE in the 125 class on
that bike.
In 1989 it was in Germany and in 1990 it was in Sweden, obviously everyone
is aware of my history with 125 two strokes. So yeah, I had an idea but
unlike normally, where I just go in all guns blazing, I decided to ring around
some close friends, people I have a lot of respect and time for, just to get
there general view.
Normally your first reaction is the one that decides if it is a good idea.
I rang various people and one of the first people I rang was Julian (Stevens),
because I knew full well that it’s all right having these bright ideas but actually
putting it all together and making it happen is another thing. I asked Julian if
he would be up for it and would he help.
Obviously with our history going back to the World Championships that we
have won between us, when he said he was onboard and he would help, he
thought it was a good idea, something interesting and different and that’s
where we are at now and why we are sat here today, getting ready for the ISDE.
It’s a shame that Julian can’t make it to the ISDE but I know he has a lot of
other commitments at the moment but even so, like most ISDE’s, it’s the
preparation you put in before and the time and he has done a lot of that for
me and relieved the pressure of me going to the ISDE on an average bike,
now I’ve got a really good bike, it will make 6 days of riding fun hopefully.
TT: So when you wheeled you 1989/1990 model out and sat on it, you were
a bit surprised about the set up.
PE: Well, when I wheeled my 1989/1990 bike out, I actually sat in it, not on
it and that’s the thing that came home to me.
It’s just weird you know, there are so many little bits that we did back then,
you kind of forget about but at the same time, it was an incredible bike in
it’s day without a shadow of a doubt.
I was probably riding the best bike out there and had done a lot of time
when I had my World Championship victories. It’s not just about you as
a rider, it’s about you as a team and your preparation and your bikes and
things like that.
I firmly believe, throughout my career, especially the times when I was
World Champion, that I had some good people and great bikes and
obviously the 1989/1990 bike was one of them.