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David Knight ist zurück auf der Rennstrecke

David Knight steht vor seinen 10. Britischen Enduro Championats (BEC) Titel

David Knight „Knighter“ möchte seinen 10.BEC Titel!

Nach seinem Sturz beim WM-Lauf in Finnland ist er nun wieder fit für
das kommenden Wochenende und möchte seinen 10.Titel in der BEC holen.
David fühlt sich gut und wird auch beim Finallauf zur Enduro-WM in
Frankreich am 20./21.Oktober an den Start gehen.
Gerne wäre er bei den SixDays in Deutschland am Start gewesen, aber nach
seiner Operation musste er sich einige Wochen daheim auf der „Isle of Man“
erholen und regenerieren.

Wir drücken David die Daumen, das er sich den 10.BEC Titel sichert und
in der Enduro-WM wieder ganz vorn mit fährt!


Hier die originale Antwort von David Knight:
“Things have really improved since my operation, but I still have a little
way to go before I’ll be at full fitness. My blood levels still need to sort
themselves out but the most important thing is that I’ve had the surgery,
which has put a stop to the internal bleeding, and I should get stronger and
stronger now. The pain following the operation was almost unbearable – much
worse than when I had my hips done last year. But now everything is pretty
good. I’ve been out riding a few times and although it’s a bit sore, it’s
fine really.
I just need to spend a bit of time on a bike and hope all goes well at the
weekend. “Not being able to race the ISDE in Germany was tough.
It looked like a great race and I really wanted to be there. I’m hoping
that if all goes well this weekend I’ll be able to complete this year’s
world championship by racing in France.
But to get a 10th overall BEC title is what I’m focused on first.
It’s hard to get really excited about it as I’ve not exactly had the
best preparation for the event, but I know what I have to do and will
do all I can to secure the title.
“I’ve had a huge amount of people wish me well following my crash in
Finland, which has been great. So thanks to everyone.
It’s been a tough few weeks but I hope it’s all behind me now and I
can get back to racing.”

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