Startseite » Pablo Quintanilla gewinnt Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge 2018 (Ergebnisse)

Pablo Quintanilla gewinnt Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge 2018 (Ergebnisse)

Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge 2018

Pablo Quintanilla gewinnt auf seiner Husqvarna FR 450 Rally die Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge 2018

Der Rockstar Energy Husqvarana Factory Racing Fahrer Pablo Quintanilla gewinnt die 2018 Ausgabe der Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge.

Pablo Quintanilla: “I’m really happy to get the win in Abu Dhabi and it’s been a fantastic start to the new season. This year’s Desert Challenge has been a really tough race from the beginning until the end. During these last few days we battled through extreme heat and the massive sand dunes of the area. There were many high-speed tracks and lots of off-piste sections where navigation was crucial. We also had some great fights with my main competitors and I’m happy I came out on top. I would like to thank all the Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing team for the amazing job they did during this week. They are always by my side and this helps me achieve the results I want. It feels good to start the season with a victory and I’m looking forward to the events to come.”


2018 Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge – Ergebnis
1. Pablo Quintanilla (Husqvarna) 16:51:11
2. Sam Sunderland (KTM) 16:56:22
3. Kevin Benavides (Honda) 16:59:45
4. Matthias Walkner (KTM) 17:00:47
5. Paulo Goncalves (Honda) 17:09:46
6. Ricky Brabec (Honda) 17:11:57

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